Saturday, August 27, 2011


BirdMan announced today to Wacko Wally that he was voting for Marilyn Monroe for every office, and Theodore Roosevelt in 2012 as a write in vote.  Wacko in his usual look of amazement shouted, “Why!!” BirdMan says, “Marilyn Monroe in her heyday was ten times sexier than todays sex symbols in Hollywood and Washington,  and most of the male vote goes for the hot lady, they are tired of politics as usual.”  “Marilyn would win easily over anyone, and we saw how well she could sing at JFK’s birthday party.”  Wacko yells “Why Teddy Roosevelt?”  BirdMan says, “Roosevelt set aside 350 million acres as National Forest land, we need more open space and public land, less ski areas”.  “He also would put the thieves on Wall Street in orange suits, and clean up the thieves in Congress.”  “He would also send the rough riders to the southern border to take on the drug thugs.”  Wacko was beside himself at this point, and tried to change the subject.  He says “You know, General Motors just dropped the Pontiac brand, for good, and $Bills black Pontiac should be placed in an auto museum.”  BirdMan says, “I agree, what a sad day for the American auto industry.”  They both headed off to vote in Wackos old jeep, a tire blew out and the engine blew up in the San Miguel Canyon.  Wacko says  “I wish Marilyn and Teddy Roosevelt were here today, we could use their help.”  End of conversation, a 6 point bull elk runs by from out of nowhere and runs across the San Miguel River.  Wacko exclaims, “There goes my elk for the season”.

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