Friday, August 26, 2011


Yves Smith has written an extraordinary book detailing the sinister con job by Wall Street and Washington officials, who have conspired in a cabal to rob their firms and their customers, con the presidents of two administrations, and the US Treasury Department of the government, into paying back the firms in large amounts of cash, paying them to pull off the largest bank heist in the history of mankind. Her book is stunning in its detail, facts, and insights into the destruction of the Middle Class, the disappearance of trillions out of the equity of all Americans, and she shows how it happened in detail and where the money went and who and how they did it. The worst detail is a group of financial people in positions of power in Washington, who knew about this takeover of the economy, in the middle of the meltdown, were hired for the top jobs on the current financial team, in Washington. Top management at investment banks, robbed the firms, then got jobs in the administration to pay back the firms that they had previously held top positions with, and were totally aware of the game, the con game. It is so corrupt in its execution, that we should all be green with envy, and white with fear. Part of the problem is obviously massive Greed, taken to its extreme never seen before in history since Genghis Khan plundered from Mongolia to Europe. The present day Khans did not murder anyone, they plundered the American Middle Class, and destroyed the economy. They sacked and plundered every city, town, and county in America without leaving their offices. They did not have the courage to face their victims with spears and bows, like the historically renowned Khan, but furtively pulled off this massive bank heist with computers in Manhattan offices, never leaving their buildings to courageously confront their American victims. This is not gutter, street crime, it is white-collar to an extreme. This is a Black Swan (Nassim Taleb) event that had never been seen on this massive scale before, a catastrophe for all of the American people. The investment bankers, as Yves Smith points out in detail, ruined and altered the lives of millions of people, 20 times over. Also, part of the problem, as pointed out in the book “Bailout Nation”, is the envy of the Wall Street Investment Bankers, of the fast money being made in the Silicon Valley firms. They concluded that if dot com companies could make billions in worthless paper companies, with no revenue and profit, they could make billions by swindling the public, their firms, and looting the Street. It’s also an interesting epitaph to the true beliefs of this cabal of thieves. They have no conscience. Have you heard any of the heads of the top firms on the Street, express any regret over the loss of 8 trillion in equity to Main Street Americans, or the loss in stock value, or 401K’s. No, none whatsoever. Their actions and later acceptance of bonuses are proof of Mark Twain’s statements on the real religion in America, years before: “The true religion in America, the father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost, is really the greenback, stocks and gold”. Mark Twain knew that religion was a phony in this country, and a cover for all sorts of devilish actions by Americans who worshipped the $Bill. On WOR radio, in New York City, years ago, Gene Shepherd, the brilliant radio announcer, from Chicago, made the following observation: “Life is neither a tragedy or a comedy, it is a carnival, and everyone is on the merry-go-round, reaching for the brass ring.” The brass ring was a ticket for a free ride. It is amazing that in a country of workaholics, so many constantly search for an early retirement, the free ride, through scams, drug dealing, Ponzi schemes, and after a Harvard Economics degree, join the Den of Thieves on Wall Street. Yves Smith has a series of answers to this problem of the financial Oligarchy, at the end of her book. Will anyone in Washington or Wall Street listen,? do they care?, probably not. In the book “The Black Swan” Taleb lays out some real solutions to the problem of the den of looting. He takes on economic experts in every manner, including the think tanks, and economic professors as well as the accepted methods of capitalism, and the narrow box of thinking in Washington and Wall Street that allows for no creative solutions, except borrowing more money. He has solid evidence that no economists know much of anything. The last 4 years has proved that the system is run by incompetent buffoons, who are greedy, but they know how to steal. It may take another Black Swan event, before the merry-go-round stops, and the music ends, and the brass ring vanishes on a plastic horse, ridden by Fat Tony, who is actually a horizontally challenged human being. Americans need a new beginning, a revolution in values, and find out in their souls what is really valuable, like nature, the amazing wilderness in this country, family, children, and the old belief in total honesty in business. If you want a friend, buy a dog. Do not take it to Wall Street. The horizontally challenged guy may steal it.

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