Monday, August 29, 2011


In the old days of market hunting for duck and geese, the shooters would sit in a blind with their Judas Duck, a trained, live bird that would take off and find a flock overhead.   This duck was quite unusual, it would fly up to a passing flock, join the head of the flock, and lead the ducks down to the decoys to be slaughtered, for the restaurant markets.    Does the Judas Duck remind you of present day characters in Washington and on Wall Street?  Does the Judas Duck remind you of any lawyers you know, real estate agents, financial advisors, stock salesman, mayors of major cities,  secretary of the US Treasury, heads of major Wall Street banks, past generals (Does General Custer come to mind?), financial gurus in our midst, talking head rapid mouths on TV, jerks preaching on a street corner, beware of the Judas Duck, he or she may be in your neighborhood, LandMan.

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