Monday, September 12, 2011


The Comedy Central, "South Park" buffoon caricature of Al Gore is getting more ammunition from a Danish physicist Henrik Svensmark.  Svensmark was awe struck by a 1991 paper by Christensen and Lassen, who had charted a close relationship between solar variations and changes in the earth's surface temperature since 1860.  Svensmark is doing extensive research in a cloud chamber in Denmark to prove the validity of cosmic rays and cloud cover, as natures real link to global warming.  CERN, a European organization for research is controlled by 20 governments, and has launched a huge cloud chamber experiment by Jasper Kirkby.  The experiment is ongoing since 2009, and so far, it has not proved Mr. Svensmark wrong.  Both Kirkby and Svensmark hold that human activity is contributing to climate change.  All they question is its importance relative to other, natural factors.  Fifteen of Al Gore's major points in his 2006 Film, "An Inconvenient Truth" have been shown to be false.  Albert Einstein demanded empirical evidence to prove theories in nature.  Freeman Dyson, Professor Emeritus of the School of Natural Sciences in Princeton and a fellow of the Royal Society writes: "Computer models are very good at solving the equations of fluid dynamics but very bad at describing the real world.  The real world is full of things like clouds and vegetation and soil and dust which the models describe very poorly.  The climate of the earth is a very complicated system and nobody is close to understanding it."  Al Gore's financial livelihoods and lavish lifestyles depend on selling worst case global warming.  Michael Crichton in his book "State of Fear" describes in detail one-eyed-jacks like Al Gore who sell fear, live the opposite to a green lifestyle, and con the US Government into grants  (send the money) and has wasted billions of tax dollars on research to prove his theories, to make a movie, and ride his gas guzzling private jet.  What would you expect from a guy who got his trust fund money from Occidental Petroleum, a company whose owner Armand Hammer was the Godfather of American Corporate Corruption and Greed.  Hammer contributed millions, a steady supplier of campaign funds to Gore and to the Democratic Party.  To top off that, Gore talked Bill Clinton in 1995 into selling the Elk Hill oil fields (47,000 acres) near Bakersfield California, to Armand Hammer.  It was the largest privatization of federal property in US history, larger than Tea Pot Dome.  A huge increase in the stock value of Occidental Petroleum followed immediately after the sale.  The US Navy held Elk Hill since 1912 for military emergencies.  The fear of the lack of oil for the US Military was a main impetus, that led to the attack on Iraq.  The sale increased Gore's trust fund checks, through stock owned by his mother in Occidental.  That act alone would qualify Al Gore as the Judas Duck vice president of the century.  The US Government should put a Mount Rushmore style statue of Al Gore at the lake in North Platte Nebraska, where there are descendants of the original Judas Duck and Goose population, still thriving. 

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