Monday, November 21, 2011


      Jon Corzine is the essence of what is wrong in America, the immoral culture on Wall Street, the Street of Shame.  He represents the hubris in national politics, addiction to credit and debt.  Corzine represents the cowboy gambler in finance, who bet the firm on one slot on the roulette disk, and the ball in the largest Casino in the world, Wall Street, the ball fell in the wrong hole, $6.2 Billion in one miserable hole, a black hole.
      His father on his small farm where Jon grew up in Illinois abhorred debt, survived the great depression, as a hard working farmer, a legitimate businessman.  His son built a career on debt.
      As CEO of Goldman Sachs, Jon Corzine lost about $150 million on trades, then unwound the loss by brokering other deals.  One of his colleagues at Goldman (Noguchi) said Corzine managed Goldman through 1994 when massive losses and defections threatened its existence.  He backed a risky bailout of hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management.  He was ousted from Goldman by a coup, and the firm was rescued from his cowboy capitalism.  Corzine was not rational, he was not systematic, nor a quantitative analyst and trader.  He winged it with other peoples money, dangerous to the firm, and to the public who invested in the firm.
      Dan Neidich worked at Goldman Sachs for 26 years.  He says, "What motivates Corzine is neither money nor ego.  Mr. Corzine's real problem is he is addicted to gambling.  The whole industry has proven to be unethical."
      Where is the $1.2 Billion that is missing from MF Global?  Suspicious wire transfers before the bankruptcy filing? Yes, is the money in Switzerland, in Latvian banks?  200 FBI agents do not know yet.  Several hundred FBI agents and hundreds of government investigators are looking for it.
      To make a $6.2 Billion long bet on euro zone sovereign debt, you would need ego and hubris, as well as lust for the greenback, right out of a Mark Twain novel.  Neidich's statement sounds like pure cronyism, to protect Corzine, without knowing any of the facts of MF Global's bankruptcy meltdown.
      Corzine spent several hundred million$ to get elected to the US Senate, as well as governor of New Jersey.  His biggest bonehead move as governor, besides being a "yes man" to lobbyists from the world of finance, was allowing his state trooper driver to hit 90 mph, on a public highway, endangering the citizens of New Jersey, and he failed to wear a seat belt.  He was the top cop of New Jersey and should have arrested himself as well as the trooper for violating state law.  He could have saved himself from horrific injuries and the troopers well being and reputation.  Are you above the law if you are the governor?
      If Jon Corzine had listened to Kyle Bass from Hayman Capital, in Dallas Texas, he could have avoided his dumb bet.  Bass' hedge fund made a massive wager against the subprime mortgage bond market.  His wager paid off large.  He said at the time, "The financial crisis wasn't over.  It was simply being smothered by the full faith and credit of rich western governments."  That is exactly where Corzine was wrong.  He thought the western governments would not let European central banks and governments fail, so he bet long on euro zone sovereign debt.  The debt went the opposite direction.  Had he ever heard of diversification?  He was a small town banker a long time ago, and didn't pay attention to that common advice. 
      Jim Rogers a successful commodities investor said after the MF Global bankruptcy filing, "My how the mighty are fallen, it is inconceivable to me he would do this after Refco.  He has referred to himself as a recidivist banker." 
      Many power brokers in Washington and Wall Street, said he was vying for Secretary of the Treasury.  Vice President Joe Biden called Corzine once a week for advice during the US meltdown crisis.  God help us!! No wonder were still in this permanent Category V financial hurricane.
      Jon Corzine also speculated millions in Telluride Ski Area real estate.  According to LandMan, he paid $53,000 per acre on approximately 500 acres at West Meadows, across from the ski area entrance to the Mountain Village.  This was documented at the San Miguel County courthouse records.  Joe Zoline, the original developer of the ski area, had paid $225 per acre for the same land.  That's a 235 bagger.  Corzine alienated the public in Telluride by spending 3 years to get the land subdivided.  He marred one of the most pristine views of the Wilson Range, in the region.  The land was pastureland, not a tree in sight, lousy for development.  He should have created a conservation easement on the land, and planted thousands of native trees, and downzoned to one home per five hundred acres, hidden from view.  He had paid too much, a foolish offer, for the land, and made the Zoline family very wealthy.  Then he paid way too much for 2200 acres on Specie Mesa, built a road to the ranch at a cost of over $2million, and  listed the ranch for $42million.  He never sold one acre on Specie Mesa.  The ranch according to LandMan was never worth more than $7 million, if that.  It had marginal access, no access to the pristine National Forest land on Little Cone mountain, and should also have been turned into a conservation easement, which would have allowed huge tax benefits, and kept the mesa pristine like the last of the real cowboys, Clyde Duroy, envisioned in his late 80's. 
      Corzine's clients at MF Global lost hundreds of millions of their money, several thousand investors.  His friend who hired him at MF Global immediately lost $50 million with the bankruptcy filing.  "What happened to MF Global on Corzine's watch was not just incompetence.  It was spectacular recklessness", Henry Blodget writes.  He writes that it was like running a 747 jet filled with people straight at the side of a mountain and hoping that, just before you smash into it, the prevailing winds will shift and enable you to pull up.  Corzine knew the mountain was there.
      Jon Corzine will have an honored place, a statue as The Judas Duck of the Century, at the lake in North Platte Nebraska, along with the other jerks.  He may end up working at the laundry at Sing Sing prison in New York state.  Why aren't there other Judas Ducks from the Street of Shame, working in the laundry?  The jury is out on this mess caused by a Judas Duck financial nitwit, Jon Corzine. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011


      David Ramsey has helped thousands of people get out of debt through beans and rice and a long, disciplined struggle to pay off credit cards.  His advice worked well before the massive meltdown of the banking system, and the Category V Hurricane, that came out of nowhere like a Black Swan event in late 2007, and is still blowing at 200 m p h in every county in America.  Now his advice is outdated.  Almost nothing from the old school of debt gurus is working any more.  Ramsey's advice could be a path to despair, credit ruin, and IRS tax on charged off debt. 
      "In Heaven and Earth Horatio, there is more than is in your philosophy", William Shakespeare.
      In his latest harsh critique of the Occupy Movement, Ramsey has revealed a lot of his flawed thinking.  He calls the demonstrators on Wall Street, and around the nation,  "whiners, thieves," and tells them "to grow up." He says Wall Street is "just a street , a road and an office building." 
The demonstrators, 95% of them, are not thieves, are not whiners, and understand Wall Street as a symbol of theft and corruption since Jay Gould invented the stock printing press.  According to $Bill, Wall Street has always been rigged by manipulators and thieves.  He mailed Birdman a book called "The Den of Thieves", after the Black Monday event of October 1987.  He lost $20 million in 24 hours on American Express stock, and put his remaining blood money into Treasury Notes for the rest of his life.  Wall Street is not just a street, it has become a symbol over the years, and attained a worse status since the Meltdown of greed and corruption.  Ramsey is naive regarding who the real thieves are.  Investment bankers as detailed in Yves Smith's book, "Econned", looted $millions from their firms, and aided in the 401K, stock and real estate meltdown.  Ramsey needs to read several books including Barry Ritholtz's book "Bailout Nation".  Ritholz details the 22 culprits starting with Alan Greenspan, who sunk the US economy into a deep hole.  He also has some positive solutions in his last chapter that could work, and they are not 'beans and rice" and "quit whining". 
      In his critique of the Occupy Movement, Ramsey completely misses the entire phenomenon of the past 4 years.  The resort real estate industry has vanished, not stalled, construction work is down 80%, the values of real estate in every county in America has dropped 36% to 80%, stocks have collapsed.  Estimates vary from 10 trillion to 20 trillion in value that has been lost during this catastrophe, which started with the sub-prime, toxic loan meltdown. 
      Ramsey says "the capitalistic system works just fine."  This is an outrageous statement.  The capitalistic system works well when the participants are legitimate entrepreneurs, honest, follow the rules, stay away from speculation, and casino type bets.  Wall Street firms created a casino capitalism.  Where were you the past 4 years, sleeping on the radio? 
David if the government takes your money or property, that is called communism.  That same fear of communism led us to the Vietnam war, another Judas Duck disaster.  Your chances of being held up by a gun are one in 200,000.  Nassim Taleb in his book "The Black Swan", describes gurus  and financial advisors, who give the wrong advice out of hubris and incompetence,  as possibly more harmful to society than terrorists.  Your chances of getting struck by a terrorist act in the U.S. is one in 200 million.  Getting bad advice from financial gurus is one in two.  Like lawyers, Ramsey is only right half the time. 

      Ramsey says, "my problems are not McDonalds's fault.  My problems are my fault."  This is true until a Black Swan event caused by a massive theft of Americans 401K's, stocks and collapse of real estate values, whacks them like they were hit in the face by a baseball bat.  "Get a job," Ramsey says. How ridiculous that statement is when 20 million Americans are unemployed.  Many good people have been looking for work for 3 years.  He says "Invent a weed whacker, another Facebook".  When the wolves are howling at the door, angel investors who finance those ideas are nowhere to be seen.
      The largest Judas Duck idea that Ramsey holds, is his anti-Bankruptcy advice.  His students could file chapter 7, get all the protections a Federal Judge offers them, and still legally pay down their debt, if that is their moral goal, with a zero percent interest rate.  There would be no phone calls, no lawsuits, no taxes on the debt, and credit scores can go up, as opposed to a failed Ramsey approach.  Ramsey uses fear mongering to compare chapter 7 with a death in the family.  It is the exact opposite.  It is the wing to freedom, a fresh start.  When the only job available after looking for 2 years, is a part time job at $7.36 per hour, the means test for chapter 7 is within reach.  Mark Twain filed chapter 7.  He knew life would be easier on the other side of hell.  Ramsey is telling young people to tough it out and suffer for years to pay off banks.  Banks are a contract, not a moral obligation.  Ramsey should send his tithe to Goldman Sachs, since he worries about the banks bottom line.  One to two years, and the credit returns for seniors and young people who file chapter 7.  Many retirement attorneys who have a clue, are endorsing bankruptcy as part of retirement planning.  David, grow up, get a real job, and please do not keep attempting to get statue status on the Mount Rushmore of Judas Ducks in North Platte Nebraska, along with Alan Greenspan.  I have a new book idea for you: "How to survive debt free through Chapter 7, during the endless Category V Hurricane."