Monday, October 31, 2011


Not one official in the US Government has come up with any solution to the carnage on the US/Mexico border from San Diego to Matamoros.  The war on drugs is being run by Judas Duck agents, they are wasting billions of tax dollars, are making the war worse, and the US Treasury Department, also run by Judas Ducks, has no clue how to stop the laundering of the drug money. The Judas Duck ATF has no clue how to shut down the gun stores on the lengthy border, thousands of them, nor how to stop the amazing amount of guns and high powered weaponry crossing the border south to Mexico to be used in the daily slaughter.  You would think all of these officials were born next to the lake in North Platte Nebraska, where the descendants of the original Judas Geese still frolic.
          Birdman came up with an amazing solution to the border problem: LAUGHING GAS.  With the cooperation of the Mexican government, the US Special Forces teams could fly thousands of planes, twice a day, along the border and drop reams of laughing gas.  The Mexicans were always known for their outrageous sense of humor, joy of life, and somehow have lost it.  The air plane designers could duplicate the plane used in the James Bond movie, when it flew over Fort Knox and put all the guards to sleep, to facilitate a large Gold heist.  Twice a day the entire border would be engulfed with hilarious laughter.  The Green Berets could drop tiny parachutes with DVD's and old VCR's of George Carlin comedy shows, translated into the Mexican language.  The kids would love the parachutes, and the drug thugs would be so bent over with constant laughter, they would forget about murdering someone.  Also, around 50,000 special ops guys could take over 100 miles deep into Mexico, along the border from San Diego to Matamoros, and round up the laughing drug guys, and offer them a choice: hand over all your weapons now, stop the drug trade and executions, or join Jesus Morano in the Elysian Fields.  Wouldn't this make a great movie?  Dan Aykroyd could star as the commander of the Ops Forces.  What a Solution, what a Movie!!! It would be far better than what is there now. 


Ed Vulliamy's book "AMEXICA" details the border carnage, and exposes to the American public, the largest violation of the Bank Secrecy Act, an anti-money-laundering law, in U.S. history, a sum equal to one-third of Mexico's gross domestic product.  Wachovia bank, which was later purchased by Wells Fargo bank, admitted in court, that it didn't do enough to spot illicit funds in handling $378.4 billion for Mexican currency exchange houses, from 2004-2007.  Wells Fargo and Company, has admitted in court that its unit failed to monitor and report suspected money laundering, by narcotics traffickers.  Wachovia had struck an agreement with Federal prosecutors, a slap on the wrist, which included a small fine compared to their yearly profit, with a pledge to discontinue the practice. Wells Fargo bank, after buying Wachovia, paid $160 million in fines, less than 2% of its $12.3 billion profit in 2009.  "Wachovia's blatant disregard for our banking laws gave international cocaine cartels a virtual carte blanche to finance their operations," said Jeffrey
Sloman, the federal prosecutor who handled the case.

         Western Union was also given a huge fine with a promise to discontinue this practice.  The Federal government has held this "wink and a nod" policy of "no prosecution" or jail time for CEO's of large banks, for many years, largely due to their concern that if they prosecuted the large banks, there could be a run on the banks, and cause a panic.  This is part of the U.S. government's irrational fear of large banks being "Too Big To Fail."  Even with the profit from the laundered drug money, and subsequent buy-out by Wells Fargo bank, Wachovia has vanished from the international money scene.  They were not given TARP money, allegedy due to their Bank Secrecy Act violations. 
          Ed Vulliamy in his book "AMEXICA" documents this cabal between the Federal government of the U.S. and the large banks, and the violent drug trade that has convulsed Mexico for the past four years.  It has been a largely undocumented role.  Large criminal enterprises cannot function without money movement and placement of funds.  The major media outlets in the U.S. have basically ignored the border war, which has taken over 30,000 lives.  Michael Crichton was wrong on this border disaster.  In his book "State of Fear", he claims that the media chases down every disaster that happens, to put its readers in a state of fear to catch their attention, to watch an advertisement and sell a product.  For some unknown reason the U.S. media has stayed away from the long border war and its carnage.  How can they ignore a war that is close to taking as many lives as the Vietnam war?
           One solution would be to fine banks up to $5 billion, when it is proved that they have violated the Bank Secrecy Act, and 10 to 20 years jail time for the Act violators.  This would seriously dent their profit and discourage the practice.  The DEA has thousands of agents presently working on the problem. 
            Ed Vulliamy writes way too much detail of the carnage from his long trip along the border from San Diego to Matamoros, but his main theme of the cabal created to operate the cartels is valid.  One scene of carnage on the Bridge of Nightmares is enough.  Does anyone in the Federal government have a solution to this mass carnage?  Read my next Blog. 

Monday, October 24, 2011


George Orwell wrote an essay in 1946 and said "Most people would admit that the English language is in a bad way." "Our civilization is decadent, and our language must inevitably share in the general collapse.  The decline of a language must have political and economic causes."  The glossary of financial double-talk, the words like "derivatives", "commodity futures contracts", "swaps" have become the jargon of financial thieves, disguised as real English language, with no threads of probity, amid incompetence and lies.  In his last book, an interview with his son, called "The Big Empty", Norman Mailer lamented the possibility of the novel vanishing, corporate America completely taking over the culture to become "The Big Empty".  Mailer believed that life's mysteries, moral codes, insights into the Universe, and answers to many of life's dilemmas, were not found in corporate America, and not found in churches or synagogues.  The American novel and great writers through history have been the repository of massive insights, and huge epiphanies that show youth and adults a way forward.  Great novelists from the past have woven into life's narrative, many answers to the Big Questions.  If the language is corrupted by Wall Street, and the unintelligible speech of incompetent political figures, what is left?  Birdman was recently in a discussion with a large group of youth in their 20's where the dominant theme was the abuse and corruption of the mother tongue.  Half of the group used the F word at least four times a minute, the other half had never heard of James Michener, nor Norman Mailer, and when a mention of Shakespeare came up, the F word crowd could not deal with the level of language.  They were creating their own slang, because they didn't read anything above a 6th grade level, and couldn't speak well.  "In heaven and earth Horatio, there is more than is in your philosophy." William Shakespeare. There is more than the F word, even in this rough culture.  One young lady used the word ghetto to describe almost everything, interspersed with the F word.  The sad news is she had allegedly graduated from an American college.  The slang, misuse of the word ghetto, is not in the Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang.  It has been corrupted like the word icon, by small elements of the young to describe something that is substandard, like the wrong color on the hood of a car.  This is an example of the acceptance of ignorance, to be part of the "In" crowd.  God help us if these guys ever get elected to anything.  They could end up on Wall Street as language experts on how to hoodwink investors into buying "credit default obligations."  Even President Obama, who is the master of rhetoric, at a recent speech in Toledo at a Chrysler plant, said, "Our task is to rebuild the future".  You cannot rebuild the future.  You can work on hiring people in your administration who have business experience in private enterprise, and create an atmosphere for job creation and legitimate growth.  Teddy Roosevelt referred to this in 1904.  Only 6% of President Obama's staff has previous private enterprise experience.  Harry Truman had a staff with 50% and Ronald Reagan had a staff which contained 88%, people who had private business experience.  In the TV series, "Boardwalk Empire", the head boss (Nuky)  of the entire operation was confronted by a young man who complained that he wasn't getting anywhere, moving up in the quasi criminal enterprise.  The boss looked at him and said, "If you would learn how to speak well, in good English, someone would take you seriously."  Never have so many, who know nothing, taken over the public dialogue.  Never have so many crimes been committed , by so many looters of banks, with none guarding the walls of prison in striped suits.  Hundreds of cases were prosecuted, and white collar jerks, were sent to jail during the savings and loan crisis.  Now the justice department, with the President of the US as head policeman, have done nothing. Is it because they have no grasp of the language of white collar crime, or is there something else at work here? Freedom of speech in the US has become people talking constant nonsense.  There are a few exceptions like Harrison's novel, "The Legends of the Fall".  He is 72 years of age, is very well read, and knows the language of  Americans, how to tell a dramatic tale in the west.  He knows how to create a narrative and speaks well.  Mark Twain, the master of American vernacular, should send us some letters from the Elysian Fields, describing the criminal cabal between Wall Street thugs in the banking system who looted 20 trillion $ from the American people, and Washington DC incompetents, who stand by and watch, and make sure the culprits get their yearly bonuses.  Mark Twain predicted these bank robbers 100 years ago, as well as Teddy Roosevelt.  James Michener on his 89th birthday in Austin Texas, was celebrated at a bookstore.  Two thousand people were standing in line when he arrived to honor his lifetime of writing and just to see the man.  Michener wept, he had not been moved so deeply since his wife Mari died two years before.  He gave 60 million dollars to universities, writing schools, cancer research centers, scholarship programs, and various other causes his last decade, and lived on a small pittance left by his wife.  Thomas Wolfe in "Of Time And The River"; "October had come again, and that year it was sharp and soon: frost was early, burning the thick green on the mountain sides to massed brilliant hues of blazing colors, painting the air with sharpness, sorrow and delight...over all the earth there was the premonitory breath of frost, and exultancy for all the men who were returning, a haunting sorrow for the buried men, and for all those who were gone and would not come again." Who can write like that now? Now we get the raucous cry of a young girl at the Denver airport: "The whole nation is full of shit-head, one- and- a- half -times rednecks, and they are stupid." Congressmen and Wall Street bankers should have in gold letters on their doors, this young girls cries for a lost hope, and add to it, "And they are us, and we are stupid, but we know how to steal."

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Birdman was hunting Blue Grouse, with Roncen, a former Green Beret Captain in the US Special Forces in Vietnam.  The fall colors were on fire, with groves of aspen trees in blazing yellow and reds.  Hastings Mesa, near Telluride Colorado,  where the original True Grit movie was filmed with John Wayne, often turned into a blazing red display of Aspen trees. Birdman, Roncen, and Rascal, the Black Labrador dog, walked up to a grove of gambles oak, two grouse flushed.  Roncen swung his shotgun into the birds at a lightning speed, and dropped both.  Never had Birdman seen such quick and accurate shooting with a shotgun.  The fact that the former Green Beret was still alive after years in the war, was a testament to survival, luck, and the sadness of the loss of so many young soldiers who were not there to enjoy the bright golden spectacle of the fall.  Roncen got to see the blazing reds, orange of the oak, and golden aspens, all across the Sneffles mountain range, above the Marie Scott ranch, so brilliantly captured in the original True Grit movie. "Too much of a good thing is not enough", Mae West.  People from Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho travel to the Dallas Divide pass near Telluride to witness one of the most amazing fall displays of aspens in the western US.  The aspens run across the Sneffles mountain range for 10 miles, with jagged snow covered peaks above, and dark timber as a picture frame to outline the brilliance of the yellow, which looks like it is on fire, when the sunlight hits it just right. Fall is a truly special season.  Robert Frost, poet, "O hushed October morning mild, Thy leaves have ripened to the fall; Tomorrow's wind, fit be wild, Should waste them all.  The crows above the forest call;  Tomorrow they may form and go.  O hushed October morning mild, Begin the hours of this day slow.  Make the day seem to us less brief.  Hearts not averse to being beguiled, Beguile us in the way you know.  Release one leaf at break of day; at noon release another leaf."  Many people get very sad when fall ends with the big empty brown of the barren trees.  Frost had a poem for that as well:  "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.  But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep."  Life does go on after the fall, there will be another one, even though life is waiting for the energy of the snow. Thomas Wolfe in "Look Homeward, Angel:  "And lying there while the winds of early autumn swept down from the Southern hills, filling the black air with dropping leaves, and making, in intermittent rushes, a remote sad thunder in great trees."  Up in the north country of Minnesota and Ontario, the Boundary Waters, there is a fall brilliance of color as well, that corresponds with the migration of ducks and geese.  Sigurd Olson, canoed and wrote about this country in books and taught at the University of Wisconsin.  He was an ecologist a long time ago.  "The Singing Wilderness":  "We brought the maples into the yard so that we could enjoy for a few short days in the fall the brilliant reds and yellows of their coloring, so they could remind us of the flaming pageantry of the entire North whenever we looked their way, the poetry of shorelines and protected bays, the magic of seeing a lone and vivid splash of red against a whole hillside of somber green."  If you live on the front range of Colorado, from Colorado Springs to Denver, there is another color display.  Wood Avenue in Colorado Springs has a New England type display of brilliant reds, purples and yellow, along its heavily tree-lined boulevard.  Birch, maple, poplars, cottonwoods and aspens, are thick and brilliant in front of the elegant homes, built by the mining boom.  In Denver, along UniversityAvenue, and Bonnie Brae Street, there is a jungle of birch, maples, and oaks, that remind one of New England or Minnesota.  Emily Dickinson, "I had a crimson robin, Who sang full many a day, But when the woods were painted, He too did fly away.  The morns are meeker than they were, The nuts are getting brown; The berry's cheek is plumper, the rose is out of town.  The maple wears a gayer scarf, The field a scarlet gown." How lucky and magical it is to be alive this fall.  Poem for Maya Rose, and Cody, the children.  Emily Dickinson: "As children caper when they wake, Merry that it is morn, My flowers from a hundred cribs, Will peep, and prance again."